The Beaconsfield School (commonly known by its former name,Beaconsfield Secondary School) is a co-educational secondary school andsixth form with academy status, located in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England. The school has approximately 870 pupils.[1]
In 2006 the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) awarded the schoolspecialist school status as an Arts College specialising in both the performing arts and the visual arts.[2]
The Beaconsfield School is one of several Buckinghamshire schools which host mobile phone masts. Contracts between Buckinghamshire County Council and various mobile phone operators generate an income of £145,000 per annum, of which about £59,000 comes from contracts for masts that are installed in schools. [3] [4]
In November 2010, the Beaconsfield School received a satisfactory report from Ofsted.
Academy status
The school began its academy consultation on December 12, 2011. It sent letters to parents on that date, detailing plans of discussion about converting to an academy. It held a presentation in the main hall on January 25, 2012 for parents and wider community stakeholders.[5]
The school formally converted to academy status on 1 March 2013.
The school consists of one main block, a sports hall and various buildings that lead off the main building. The site also has a recently built terrapin which houses a local nursery.
The main building is three stories high, the second floor (A floor) has three freshly renovated Science labs, two dedicated Science room, one History classroom and two Modern Foreign Languages classrooms. It also has access to the Drama studio's balcony. The first floor (B floor) has one ICT suite, one focus area, one Geography classroom, five Maths classrooms, one Media suite fitted with 15+ brand new Mac computers, one Music suite also fitted with 15+ Mac computers, one Religious Studies classroom, one Media/English classroom and a large Drama studio fitted with electric lighting, a switchboard and a large music system. The ground floor (C floor) holds the reception, headteachers office, Lemonwedge (the Arts Learning Centre), four English classrooms, one ICT suite, one Music classroom, the specialist SEN focus area and a large locker room. On the far left staircase there are seven mezzanine classrooms and offices. This includes a History/Psychology classroom, a Psychology observation room, an ICT suite, a Business Studies classroom with 15+ computer workstations and an isolation room.
Leading from the C floor is the technology block (D block) which holds specialist rooms for Food Technology, Textiles, Graphic Products/Design, Wood Technology and Metal Works. The D block also includes a sixth form common room, the Learning Resource Center, the library, the music practice rooms, an English classroom, an Animation suite and two Art rooms.
The E block includes the staff room, several staff offices, the health officers medical room, two Geography classrooms, the main school hall, the Hub (canteen), a Health and Social Care classroom, a Drama classroom including a recording studio and an exam hall.